Anger Management & Anti-Bullying
Last term our Pastoral Officer - Miss Sweeney led on some Pastoral Intervention workshops for our KS3 learners on anger management and anti-bullying in school.
We looked at how our bodies change when we get angry and explored emotions and feelings and how we can positively manage them. Learners talked about their feelings and ways they can manage or reduce their anger and negative emotions to be happier and deal with conflict with others more positively.
We also looked at anti-bullying initiatives in school and reflected on the successful Anti-Bullying week we had in November where we celebrated with the theme 'One Kind Word' and Odd Sock Day, creating our own superheroes, creative posters and fantastic poems. Each class had meaningful, group discussion’s and created their own class rules for Anti-Bullying and promoting our school ethos of kindness.
From the successes of the pastoral intervention - Miss Sweeney is to lead further interventions on LGBTQ and positive and healthy relationships next term.