Curriculum Offer


The design and delivery of the Curriculum at the Lower Site is catered closely to the individual needs of our learners to ensure engagement and success for all. Our creative timetable enables us to deliver all National Curriculum subjects through challenging, motivating and innovative learning opportunities. We promote positive learning for all learners, with a focus on SEMH and behaviour. The principles of kindness, honesty and calm are well established throughout. We are proud to be creating confident, competent and kind citizens of the future.

At Trinity Academy Newcastle, we do not see ability as permanent or pre-determined. Learners may arrive with gaps in their learning due to turbulence in previous schools. We relish the opportunity to work with learners to reach their potential. Achievement is carefully monitored and any learner falling below our high expectations is quickly given sharp and specific intervention. Our teaching staff use a range of assessment information to personalise learning so that gaps are closed and progress is visible. We enhance the curriculum by including practical learning, daily enrichment activities and Forest School. Enrichment and experiences represent culture capital and provide opportunities to apply learning.

Trinity Academy Newcastle has high expectations of children’s academic and behavioural outcomes. Academic outcomes are continually assessed with personalised targets to close gaps and ensure progression in the children’s learning.

Our Key Stage 2 and 3 learners are placed in age groups and are taught by consistent class teachers. There are times in the week when these groups access subject specialists for specific lessons and are able to access an age appropriate curriculum that is targeted to meet their needs.


The curriculum is more fluid than that of mainstream, due to learners joining us at various points in the year. Teaching and learning is focused on stage as well as age to close any learning gaps.

Our curriculum framework is based on the National Curriculum. Learners are given baseline assessments in all subjects regularly and assessment information is used to effectively plan and deliver lessons at appropriate levels for each learner. The data also informs subsequent learning and interventions where necessary.

We teach phonics using Read Write Inc and learners have reading books to match their phonics knowledge. We have a whole-school focus on reading as this enables our learners to access the curriculum and opportunities to read for pleasure in school on a daily basis.

In Maths, we follow the White Rose programme, with a focus on four operations and the application of these in every session. Maths is further developed across the curriculum in Technology and Science.

Foundation subjects are taught weekly and are often linked to a text from English lessons, through topics where appropriate. Topics are delivered which include local links.

Forest school and experiential learning allow learners to apply learning across the curriculum, and develop PSHE skills and practical knowledge of all subjects. Forest School is delivered off-site on a weekly basis. At Trinity, we encourage learners to develop their skills in teamwork, communication, resilience and self-awareness.


Learners are given opportunities to access missed learning and social and emotional experiences. We encourage learners to progress academically and socially.

Learning is assessed and evaluated in every lesson and interventions are monitored. This ensures that the curriculum delivered is personalised and adapted to each learner.

Our curriculum is rigorously monitored through consistent lesson observations, learning walks, learner work inspection, learner and staff voice and CPD opportunities.

The table below displays how many lessons are allocated to each subject per term.

For any additional information, please contact the head of school, Mr Mark Flint.

Parent/Carer Overview - Autumn 2

Music Action Plan


Vision Statement


At Trinity Academy Newcastle, we encourage learners to develop a keen interest in music using digital media, offering singing, composing personalised pieces and listening to lots of different kinds of music across our curriculum. We strive to provide a range musical opportunities, including the attendance of professional musicians and workshops, and to effectively communicate additional enrichment with families so that learners can continue to develop their skills and love of a range of music. Our long-term vision is that all learners access high-quality weekly music lessons and can progress their learning by taking up an instrument, using digital music software to compose or joining a musical group. All learners will be given the opportunity to experience the joy of live performances.

Curriculum Music:

Vision is to ensure all learner can access high quality music provision.

At Trinity Academy Newcastle, we work closely with the Music Hubs to ensure we gain the absolute best experiences for our learners. Through our collaborations, we will continue to invite several music professionals on site to support our drive for greater involvements and appreciation of a myriad music. Following student input, we have invested in a digital music platform called Charanga, which has been developed by the Music Hub and offers a range of musical styles for learners to investigate. Learners are also able to compose their own pieces of music, in their chosen style, then continue the development outside of school time.


Vision is to ensure small group/individual lessons are free of charge and that there are a range of groups that learners can take participate in.

Trinity Academy Newcastle is one where learners are encouraged to develop their love of learning in a range of ways. Our work with the Music Hub enables us to provide opportunities for professional musicians to work with learns to foster a lifelong love of music. Every learner can access our musical instruments free of charge and are encouraged to try new instruments to enrichment their life experiences.


Vision is to make links with a range of organisations so that our learners can access a variety of live performances, supporting their wider development and enrichment.

Learners are encouraged to develop a range of musical pieces across a variety of styles then perform these in a safe and calm environment where they feel comfortable and secure. Our aim to run a number of events where learners are able to showcase their progress and talents to parents and carers to develop confidence.


Lower Site Subject
Physical Education
Vote 4 Schools

RSE Curriculum Intent & Framework

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Drop down days 2023/24 - Health and Wellbeing, RE and Music



Activity Ideas – AM drop down days

Half term 1

Healthy Minds

Link to world mental health day - lots of resources out there – 10th October 2023 – Wear yellow day

Science: What is stress? What it does to our bodies and how we can deal with it.

How does diet affect

Half term 2



LS and US


US – 13/11/23

Possible Activities

LS- Antibullying drop down day – 13th – 17th November

LS- Christianity – Christmas story

LS – Hindu – Creation story, Values, Art work


Hinduism – Festival of light – 12h November 2023

Christianity – Christmas preparations

Food Tech: Hindu foods/ various Christian foods - Christmas

Art: Hindu/ Christian artwork/ style

English/ Humanities: History/ key stories of the Hindu/ Christian culture

Maths: Vadic maths – ancient strategies

Additional options

PE: Traditional games and sporting activities

Half term 3

Healthy Living and Fresh Starts




LS and US

Idea of Fresh starts and healthy living

  • Diet, exercise and lifestyle: The effect on health

Chinese New Year – 10th February 2024

  • Exploration of Chinese traditions and cultures
  • Modelling/ making of Chinese celebratory decorations

Half term 4





LS and US

Possible Activities

Islamic/ Muslim faith – Festival of Eid Friday 9th April

Judaism – Passover 22nd April 2023

Food Tech: Muslim foods and idea of Ramadan the Eid/ Passover

Art: Islamic/ Jewish art work styles

English/ Humanities: History/ Kaye stories of the Islamic/ Jewish culture

Maths: Patterns in numbers

Half term 5

Music from the cultures of the world


LS and US

Visitors from external musical provision e.g. The Glasshouse

  • Possible activities:
  • DJing
  • Drumming
  • Visits Glasshouse

Half term 6

Healthy Choices for the Summer



Preparation for removal of structure

Staying safe in the community

Gang culture, knife crime, drugs and alcohol. I'm sure VRU, Edge etc would support these activities (include laws on these activities)